Khamis, 11 Ogos 2011

Anne of the Green Gables the sequel.

Marilla Cuthbert - An austere, repressed woman who tries in vain to repress Anne's imaginative, unusual ways. Though she is rigidly conservative in her rules, she does love Anne and has the glimmerings of a sense of humor and a secret soft side.

Matthew Cuthbert - Marilla's brother, a shy, awkward man who takes a liking to Anne from the start. The two become fast friends. He is far less talkative than Anne, but is a very good listener. Because Marilla is the one raising Anne, he feels no qualms about "spoiling" her and indulging her in things which Marilla considers too frivolous, such as pretty clothes.

Diana Barry - Anne's bosom friend and kindred spirit. Anne and Diana become best friends from the moment they meet. She is the only girl of Anne's age who lives close to Green Gables. Anne admires Diana for being pretty and for her merry, amiable disposition. Diana lacks Anne's powerful imagination but is a loyal friend.

Gilbert Blythe - A handsome classmate who first tried to get Anne's attention by pulling her hair and flirtatiously calling her "Carrots" (unaware of her sensitivity about her red hair). Furious, Anne broke her slate over his head and refused to have anything to do with him for the next few years. Even though Gilbert repeatedly apologized and displayed admiration for her throughout the book, Anne coldly rebuffed him. However, Gilbert never abandoned his quest for her friendship (and eventually, love). Anne finally forgave him at the end of the book when he gave up the Avonlea school for her so that she could live at Green Gables with Marilla.

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